I only work part time, and luckily I'm still living at home post-university, because it's really tough to find full time work. I've picked up a little typing work from a very nice man at church, and otherwise I've been applying anywhere where I don't think I'd be totally miserable. (At first I only applied to places where I thought I'd enjoy the work. I'm this close to expanding my search to include jobs I'd hate but would pay the student loans.) But it seems like lately when I've had a day off, I've been heading out to interviews or taking assessment tests at different companies. I really think I owe a lot of that to the prayers other people have been saying for me. St. Joseph seems to have stepped up for me in a big way, and I know a lot of my friends have been praying that I'll be able to find work, and I appreciate every word said on my behalf, and I thank the Lord for all the caring people in my life.
It's really made me realize that we can't always be all strong and independent. My parents are wonderful. Mom lets me live here without paying for rent or food unless I'm going out to eat of my own volition (that's a great word; it's from the Latin). On days when I'm especially broke, like that one day of the month when three of my four loan payments are due all at once, she'll give me a little money for gas or to get a bite to eat if I have a long day. Dad makes my car payments and pays for things like tires and wheel bearings. I tell my mom I want to be able to take care of myself, pay my own loan payments, etc. when she offers more, and I think that's a healthy attitude to have, to a point. I still have to be willing to accept her help when I need it. I'm lucky to have a mother who offers so much.
The same is true in my spiritual life. I've been looking for full time work for a year now, and at first I couldn't even get interviews even though I thought I was especially qualified for some of these jobs. Plus I write a mean cover letter. I wasn't asking for help, though. When I prayed, I didn't ask for help with my job search. I figured it was trivial compared to some of the problems other people are bringing before the Lord. But now that I've taken to asking St. Joseph for a little help, and my friends have offered to pray for me to find decent work, I'm getting more responses and more interviews. Of course I still have to get out there and do the legwork, but God helps those who help themselves. A recruiter from a company even contacted me! And I think I'd actually like working there!
I'm reminded of my former struggles with the concept of transubstantiation. I couldn't read or think my way out of it. An excellent understanding of what goes on during the consecration at Mass wasn't enough. I had to pray. I had to let others pray for me. I had to ask for the gift of faith. God offers us so much if only we're willing to accept it. Yeah, we have to do a little legwork, but isn't it worth it when it all begins to work out? Nothing is too small to take to the Lord. We have to be willing to admit that we can't always do it on our own, and He'll give us a helping hand. All we have to do is ask.
Incidentally, if anyone's looking for a full time proof reader, I'd be willing to schedule an interview. Or maybe someone could pay me to blog about awesome things.
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