Friday, May 6, 2011

Gospel Shod is a terrible title.

This blog is currently operating under the title "Walking Shoes." This is for three reasons.

1. I'm really bad at giving things titles. It's a character flaw that I just have to learn to accept. I'm a writer, you see, and I can crank out a short story or an academic paper or a blog post in no time. But a title? It's agonizing. The same goes for usernames. I'm just really really bad at titles, so I apologize for the crappy title of this blog and for the crappy post titles found herein.

2. But why did I settle on Walking Shoes of all things, you ask? I didn't just pull it out of a hat, although that might have been easier. Last summer I helped out at the Methodist church's Vacation Bible School, as usual. The theme for that week was all about the armor of God. You know: the Helmet of Salvation; the Breastplate of Righteousness; the Sword of the Spirit; the Shield of Faith; the Belt of Truth; and the feet shod with the Gospel of Peace. It made me think about how faith is a journey. I've been on a crazy awesome journey for the last year or so, and it's not over yet. Anyone will tell you you've gotta have the right shoes for a journey. Just be glad I didn't call my blog "Gospel Shod". Because I almost did. Not even kidding.

3. And I was reminded of a quote I recently read that was attributed to St. Francis of Assisi, who I think is a pretty cool dude. He said, "It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching." Isn't that great? I know we're urged to go out into the world to make disciples of everyone, but I've never been able to be the in-your-face, do-you-know-Jesus Christian. More power to you if you can pull that off, but I'm far too shy. Instead, I always like to say I hope I can help others know Christ just by living my life as well as I can, and hopefully I can be a good example to someone. So I'll continue on this journey of mine, and I'll share it with you, and my walking will be my preaching.

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